Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Frequency of atom

When charged bodies move in magnetic field then they follow circular path or helical path. That is why, to achieve stable structure, circular rings are formed. 


Now please understand that the above formula is for the mean frequency of oscillation of nucleus under consideration. So nucleus ring spins about its own axis to generate magnetic field like a coil of current.

Now nucleus ring spins about its own axis simple harmonically, and two more angular oscillations of ring are there, which are two mutually perpendicular diameters. In each oscillations it throws electrons in opposite directions along its axis. Simultaneous projections along opposite directions maintains center of mass of nucleus at rest to follow Newton’s laws. Electrons are nothing but assembly of three down quarks. Two of them spins along opposite sense to generate magnetic moment to attract each other and then third at the center makes assembly stable by repelling them.
When electron reaches desired distance then due to energy produced, assembly is broken, which fires two side down quarks along opposite directions and third continue to move further outwards a little bit to die. Two side down quarks which were ejected opposite to each other perpendicular to axis are rotated by magnetic field of nucleus along its axis so they turn back towards nucleus after moving a little bit along circle. These two down quarks finally hit the nucleus so any energy remained with those down quarks is transferred to nucleus. This way temperature of nucleus increases and it ejects electron even at faster speed. So for big nuclei, range of influence will be greater.

Know that each atom is one electromagnetic oscillator which generates electromagnetic wave of particular frequency. But due to increase in temp it ejects electrons with more energy to occupy bigger radius.

Here frequency of oscillation of atom is its characteristic. But when energy increases with size of nucleus then amplitude of oscillation increases which adds error to simple harmonic oscillation. Because SHM is valid only till smaller radius of so called orbits. Which explains range of frequencies emitted by atom.

So atom nucleus is electromagnetic oscillator of one mean frequency calculated by above formula. But there is a band width allocated to them. Same as FM radio or mobile operators. Because humans can never think something which is not possible. Because everything is programmed in your genes.

Now here is one information that you must be aware of.

Please forget that there is connection between frequency of light and the color observed by humans. Because color observed by us, is governed by Doppler’s effects.

When quark is at rest then it is not visible which is black. And when they move with speed of light then they appear white. When quark move with speed of light then it dissipates as energy and releases all information particles used by it. For us smallest particles are quarks.

Now here is one experiment that you can always perform in your labs. Observe the light emitted by accelerating electrons. As speed increases then at a particular speed they become visible for us also and up to a maximum speed they are visible to us.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Save precious electricity

Guys we are wasting so much electricity in power transmission cables and at the same time resistance of wire is producing heat to pollute our environment. Time has come when people should know their electron better.

God has created magnetism to tame these tiny charged particles. We have to immediately switch to next generation conductors.

You people have to choose a material like soft iron because it is lenient towards these electrons to serve us better. But the problem is that magnetic field of earth is there to disturb these electrons. They tend to lose much more energy than they should loose. Around the soft iron we need to make an insulating casing which basically has inbuilt copper winding around it to enable it behave like long solenoid to create the magnetic field along the length of wire. This magnetic field will not allow the electrons to behave like stupid. But now you will see that magnetic field will keep guiding these electrons to remain in discipline.

The solenoid covering to protect energy loss will draw a small current from the supply source but only after passing through one diode, so that it may allow only current only in one direction. This way in ac supply you will use intermittent current to create magnetic field but always in same direction. Now here is the secret that magnetic field do not vanish immediately, so effect will be much better than full cycle of direct current. It is better to pass current in same direction periodically only for some time. When you will be done with making of this transmission cable then at the time of use you will discover next wonder of zero. You shall find that transmission cables are cold.

Yes my dear all friends on this globe, please know that temperature is one phenomenon caused by magnetic field of surrounding. There is one global temperature in next generation and then temperatures vary locally as per condition.

Global temperature of our earth depends on angle between geographic axis of rotation and magnetic axis. Current value is around 11.4 degrees. As this angle approaches 90 degree then temperature will kill most of us and when this angle approaches zero then global temperature goes down. If you want to verify this then first get a chart showing declination at various places then apply your brain to understand that wherever declination is higher, temperature of that part of earth is higher. Near the poles declination approaches zero so temperature is low.  Now look for other local values to verify.

If you find me right then it’s your duty that, please inform people of MET department because time has come to control the weather. You people have already caused so much electromagnetic pollution that soon people will find it difficult to live a normal life. 

Time is running out. Save your earth.

Define Absolute Temperature now.
When one object is kept in isolation in space where Electric and magnetic fields are applied perpendicular to each other. Then after a long time object will attain absolute zero temperature.  

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Human vision and atomic structure

This is now time to relate concept of atomic structure and its role in human vision.

What is visible to humans?



Nucleus is just one tiny source of energy beyond human vision. This is only electron cloud around the nucleus which is visible to humans.

Nucleus is tiny point gun to shoot electrons around it. There is minimum distance from the nucleus which is visible to human. And similarly there is a maximum safe distance from nucleus up to which electrons are visible to humans.

Now visualize a thin semiconductor material sheet and you can always apply a certain potential difference between two flat surfaces of semiconductor. Value of the voltage will decide up to what height the electron is fired. You have all data in chemistry about atomic structure to see what the height is where electron will look like water or gold or anything you may like. Now as per correct algorithm to be developed by me you can get real material look. Electrons will exist for a certain time interval as per its height. Don’t worry about it. Assembly of electron will dissolve in air in terms of quarks.

Whatever is visible to you right now exists only for one instant. Because nucleus keeps shooting stable assembly of three down quarks (electron) in opposite directions so that its center of mass may remain at rest. Assembly of electron is broken at a certain distance from nucleus which you know as orbits. When this assembly is broken then quarks repel each other with nuclear force and energy is created. You see flash of light if particular electron assembly is broken at a min and max distance from nucleus. 

Why do you see one tiny spark flying in air when two stones hit other. Actually some stable electron assembly must have been crushed in between the two objects during collision. Sound is generated in repulsion and energy of certain wavelength is created at that point. if you can see it.

Actually parallel universe is quite ahead in time. They have built tiny pixel thrower, which creates temporary image in air. 

We are getting late. They might be planning to scare us or surprise us by sending 3-D data in tiny capacitors to look like anything.   

What is frequency of light?
To maintain electrons at a distance equal to orbital radius, nucleus has to throw  electrons at a regular interval so that there is always an electron to manage the show. Let us say electrons take time T = (orbital radius)/(speed of electron)
I wish that electrons are projected with speed of light. 

frequency = 1/T
Approximation of speed of light can work well because spinning ring of nucleus throw electron with great thrust in such a way that electron attains speed of light when it reaches the desired distance from center of nucleus and ceases to exist.

f = v/r

I think we can use c/2 as average speed of electrons.


India had developed all algorithm of material science in ancient time. Materials were named as god and goddess.  I wish someone can tell me all stories about these Indian gods and goddess, then I know that one day I can turn this earth into one heaven. But I doubt that people will understand me before I may die. I decoded these information from whatever little I know about Hindu religion. 

Saturday, 6 September 2014

3D Cinema And Photo Electric Effect.

Sunday September 7, 2014

Today I am explaining the concept of 3D cinema of future which will change the way you look at the world.

First you need to understand photo sensitivity.

Everyone is aware of this fact that certain materials are sensitive towards light. When white light falls on them then they emit electron.

Now understand the reality behind this.

Actually nucleus of any material is so tiny that it is invisible to any human being. Its presence can be seen only through electron clouds. Understand this way that when light falls on some object then it is reflected from orbiting electrons only. If suppose in a region there is no electron then that region is invisible to human. So what photo sensitive materials do is that whenever light falls on it they concentrate their electrons towards light in such a way that it may seem that photo sensitive material atom nucleus do not like light much. It wants a little cooler environment around the nucleus. So when light falls on those areas of electron concentrations they start losing their electrons from that side and it helps to generate shine.

Now as per requirement of human eyes we will create 3D pixels using photosensitive materials. That means they will be visible from that side where light is falling. Rest of the pixel will remain invisible. Now using these tiny 3D pixel generate a box volume so that light may be projected on them as per the requirement of 3d cinema and human eyes.

Now develop a thin sheet of photosensitive material protected by thin silicon layer, paste it on a semiconductor sheet which would be nothing but electron emitter for display. Current will control brightness. Develop display for computers.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Understanding formation of materials

Charge is one information which loosely connects matter and energy.  Matter is created from two types of charged particles. Any person on this planet who remembers and understands, Newton’s laws of motion, learned back in schools days, can understand this concept of matter creation easily.

Difference of Inertial character of positive and negative charge is something which triggers material evolution at its root. There are two kinds of information particles which connects mass and energy. These information particles are invisible to human eyes. One information particle is a little positive charge and other information particle is a little negative charge.  You can visualize charge as one thin invisible material dot of super dense material. But so small that gravity can never bind these particles. These particles are everywhere in this space. Positive charge has a less inertia and negative charge has extremely high character of inertia. When these information particles receive energy then due to inertia they first tend to invest energy for spinning motion only. Spin around center stretches thin material point in the shape of rotating disc. When two oppositely rotating discs are attracted towards each other and when they collide then combined angular momentum becomes zero for one instant and this frozen instant is enough to join them to become one with greater amount of charge and as well as mass. So this process is continued till it becomes significant for material world. So this way we get two quarks to start with. Up quark with positive charge is bigger in size because positive charge has less inertia so it actively collects more information particles. Less inertia also means greater angular speed so stretches more to have bigger size.

So up quark and down quark are one rotating disc in all possible orientations so it looks like spherical object.  Size of these particles can be assumed as a distance when they apply nuclear force on each other. Nuclear force is attraction as well as repulsion. Two similar quarks when touch each other then they repel with strong nuclear force and nuclear energy is created at the loss of mass. Similarly opposite quarks tend to stick to each other due to electric force and then slowly nuclear attraction binds them strongly. To decrease overall energy state one down quark comes in between two up quarks and binds them with nuclear attraction and electric repulsion tend to keep them straight. So these chains of quarks are subjected to magnetic field then it starts rotating in a circular path. Then suddenly somewhere radius of circular motion matches with radius required to form ring of nucleus then accordingly atom of that material is born.

So temperature decides speed of motion magnetic field decides radius and whenever some sensible solution is obtained then nucleus is born.

Now nucleus starts spinning around its own axis and starts whirling around then it becomes trap for negative charge. So nucleus ring keeps trapping down quarks to provide us these energy particles. 

I have identified at least five physical conditions which controls the formation of material. Two most important factors are temperature and magnetic field intensity. When a charge moves perpendicular to magnetic field then it goes around in circular path. radius of the circle is directly proportional to speed so high temperature means greater speed which further means greater radius. Moreover magnetic field intensity affect radius of circle inversely. 

So chance of formation radioactive nuclei are high, where temperature is high and magnetic field intensity is low. I think go towards equator on earth to find radioactive substance. If people help me then I can find many more combinations of conditions to get the desired material. I want to realize the dream of sending material thru space. Help me out. 9810223421

Solving Energy crisis

Zero entropy structure of nucleus ring will solve energy crisis forever across the world. 

To understand me, you need to first understand how one atomic nucleus gets hold of electrons to design its electronic structure that we are all aware of.

First of all we should know that nucleus require certain number of electrons to become electrically neutral, so that it may attain minimum energy structure for stability.

There is one more very thin particle present in abundance in space. We can name this particle as information particle which basically is negatively charged. Down quarks are formed by these energy particles.

Naked without electrons when a nucleus gets energy above zero level then it starts spinning about its center in all possible orientations to look like spherical object and result of this is magnetic field inside this spherical region. It creates a suction towards its center for randomly moving energy particles and down quarks are produced at the center of nucleus. When there is only one down quark with nucleus then it remains at its center and when second is formed then both repel each other to occupy stable position on either side of axis. And similarly when third is formed then it remains at the center but when forth is formed they repel to move along its axis on both sides. This process is continued until net charge becomes zero.

Now suppose atom loses some electron then nucleus creates appropriate down quarks. If atom is with all its electrons then nucleus do not produce down quarks. But before reaching to any conclusion just hold on. What happens when nucleus ring is very large then electrons are lost very often so nucleus keeps creating down quarks. More over with so many electrons and large ring size creates many other problems and so these elements are radioactive.

So we have many types of nuclei which can produce down quarks so what we need is to keep removing these electrons by applying electric field. I think we may also use only a few atoms of radioactive elements and by applying electric field we shall keep removing these electrons so that atom may not cause harm by radiation.

But the question is what we shall do with these electrons formed with down quarks.

So here is one good news in the direction of clean energy for the future.

We already know about thermal energy of materials, which basically corresponds to mechanical energy for various motions at atomic level. So now the time is to understand heat.

Heat is generated out of nuclear repulsion between particles. We can understand this way.

We know quarks are very tiny particles and size of any particle is radius up to which it can apply nuclear force. Electric force acts beyond that range. When two similar nuclear charge approach towards each other with momentum then they may collide up to nuclear range and then nuclear repulsion push them away from each other with great force and heat is generated. So nuclear force converts nuclear energy into heat and in this process mass of particle decreases.

So now you visualize few electrons or down quarks are there in a small volume. And when you provide them little energy to move random with the help of electromagnetic field then their collisions will generate further heat from nuclear repulsion when they collide. Slowly these electrons will disappear.

Use this heat to expand working gas for smokeless engine to drive your car.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Zero Entropy structure of materials

Published On 02/Sept/2014 By Uttam Narayan Tripathi

Zero Entropy Structure of Nucleus

Zero State of nucleus – It is a state when temperature is absolute Zero (-2730C). At this temperature there is no chaos or randomness in a system. At this state all materials have one static stable structure. At zero state there is no motion at all. If you get to see one atom in zero state then all confusions about atomic structure will disappear suddenly. First thing you get to know that there is nothing like electrons, protons and neutrons. There are two types of particles only. You already know these two particles are up quark and down quark.

We know that proton is made of -  2 up quarks and 1 down quark
And similarly neutron is made of – 1 up quark and 2 down quarks

So you can always calculate number of up and down quarks in known structure of atom.

Up quark is bigger size particle having +ve nuclear charge and +2e/3 electric charge
Down quark is very small size particle having –ve nuclear charge and –e/3 electric charge

Radii of these particles are assumed to be a distance from its center where nuclear force becomes effective.
Up and down quarks attract each other with nuclear force when they are close enough.

Two up quarks repel each other with strong nuclear force when they are close enough. Similarly two down quarks repel each other.

For now just assume that strong nuclear force of attraction and repulsion acts between these two kinds of particles only when they touch each other, or otherwise they apply electric force on each other as per coulomb’s law.

Down quark in between two up quarks ensures that up quark do not apply nuclear repulsion on each other, but electric repulsion between up quarks keep them away from each other, but nuclear attraction of down quark in between do not let them go away from each other.

So Hydrogen nucleus is just one dumbbell shaped object made of one down quark and two up quarks.

But when temperature is above 0K then it starts rotational motions about COM and also moves linearly. Rotating structure fools you as if hydrogen nucleus is one spherical object.

What you know as electron is basically three down quarks orbiting together. This is a shock. 

Helium Atom

Nucleus of He atom is made of 6 up quarks and 6 down quarks in a ring structure. Three down quarks on either side of ring on its axis make its stable zero state structure. Now when this structure starts rotating randomly then what you see is something you already know. See how three down quarks on either side of ring nucleus creates illusion of two electrons. This is fooling us. But I can see it exactly. I have many information’s that is going to blow the mind of people.

First thing I need to perform is to construct missing materials. And some initial small atoms will solve the purpose of fuel in future. I have thought about constructing the nucleus. It is real fun. 

I will add each and every atom you know or do not know, on everyday basis. 

3-Down Quark Assembly of electron Published On 04/Sept/2014 By Uttam Narayan Tripathi 

Story of electron as told by He-atom.

When atoms gain energy then ring nucleus rotates and wobbles. Since down quarks are symmetrically located on both sides along its axis so two down quarks develop opposite spin so that they develop opposite poles of magnetism. And are attracted towards the center of nucleus. One down quark when located at center forms stable structure of three electrons. Now this electron gets out from nucleus region and exist as single particle. So electron is assembly of three down quarks. Two down quarks spin along opposite sense to get attracted and third down quark at the center develop electric repulsion to form stable structure. 

Damroo held by lord Shiva in Hindu mythology symbolically represents assembly of electron.