Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Frequency of atom

When charged bodies move in magnetic field then they follow circular path or helical path. That is why, to achieve stable structure, circular rings are formed. 


Now please understand that the above formula is for the mean frequency of oscillation of nucleus under consideration. So nucleus ring spins about its own axis to generate magnetic field like a coil of current.

Now nucleus ring spins about its own axis simple harmonically, and two more angular oscillations of ring are there, which are two mutually perpendicular diameters. In each oscillations it throws electrons in opposite directions along its axis. Simultaneous projections along opposite directions maintains center of mass of nucleus at rest to follow Newton’s laws. Electrons are nothing but assembly of three down quarks. Two of them spins along opposite sense to generate magnetic moment to attract each other and then third at the center makes assembly stable by repelling them.
When electron reaches desired distance then due to energy produced, assembly is broken, which fires two side down quarks along opposite directions and third continue to move further outwards a little bit to die. Two side down quarks which were ejected opposite to each other perpendicular to axis are rotated by magnetic field of nucleus along its axis so they turn back towards nucleus after moving a little bit along circle. These two down quarks finally hit the nucleus so any energy remained with those down quarks is transferred to nucleus. This way temperature of nucleus increases and it ejects electron even at faster speed. So for big nuclei, range of influence will be greater.

Know that each atom is one electromagnetic oscillator which generates electromagnetic wave of particular frequency. But due to increase in temp it ejects electrons with more energy to occupy bigger radius.

Here frequency of oscillation of atom is its characteristic. But when energy increases with size of nucleus then amplitude of oscillation increases which adds error to simple harmonic oscillation. Because SHM is valid only till smaller radius of so called orbits. Which explains range of frequencies emitted by atom.

So atom nucleus is electromagnetic oscillator of one mean frequency calculated by above formula. But there is a band width allocated to them. Same as FM radio or mobile operators. Because humans can never think something which is not possible. Because everything is programmed in your genes.

Now here is one information that you must be aware of.

Please forget that there is connection between frequency of light and the color observed by humans. Because color observed by us, is governed by Doppler’s effects.

When quark is at rest then it is not visible which is black. And when they move with speed of light then they appear white. When quark move with speed of light then it dissipates as energy and releases all information particles used by it. For us smallest particles are quarks.

Now here is one experiment that you can always perform in your labs. Observe the light emitted by accelerating electrons. As speed increases then at a particular speed they become visible for us also and up to a maximum speed they are visible to us.

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